How I Made $100K In 2 Months

I couldn’t believe it. Just a couple of short months before I discovered this I was struggling to pay the rent. And there I was looking at over $100,000 in recurring revenue sitting in front of me. All from a simple marketing campaign I stumbled onto.

I had no experience. I had no clue what I was doing… and I STILL walked away with over $100k.

Here is how I did it…

It all started in the Fall of 2008. The stock market was crashing and as a financial advisor I was in hot water. All my clients kept withdrawing their investments and I was watching my income drop almost daily. It got to the point where I had to choose between rent and food. It was bad.

So I did the same thing many of you have probably done! I Googled “how to make money online”… “how to make sales”. And I stumbled onto forums, books, articles and all these gurus.

I read more than I ever had in my entire life. And I started to apply what I learned. I turned my business around and started getting more clients than I could handle.

Co-workers started asking me for help. So I helped them. And very quickly my finance business turned into a marketing help business!

I offered different packages ranging from $1.95 tripwire offers all the way up to $5,000 / month recurring packages. And the best part - I didn’t have to do a thing! I just found the best service providers for each service, added a 30% markup and included their service in the list of offers that I could sell! I was essentially working as a “general contractor” for these marketing experts. 

It Worked Like Crazy And It Made Me More Than $100k In 2 Months!

And I’m excited to announce that my friend Fergal Downes has just put together a brand new training course explaining this exact same process! It’s called the “Middle Man Method” and it works like crazy!

You’ll learn about 20 different high demand services local businesses need now. These are real, sales-driving, high-value marketing services that can change the lives of your clients!

You’ll discover the incredibly simple “Middle Man” process to grow your business quickly! This is the exact same strategy I used to grow my business to over $100k in recurring sales in just 2 months!

You’ll get a step-by-step plan that explains this entire process so you can follow along and be sure you’re getting everything setup the right way!

You’ll get private access to the Middle Man Money community. Share successes, trade strategies and grow your business along like-minded friends.

And you’ll even get direct access to the course creator himself, Fergal Downes. Get your questions answered, brainstorm and get feedback on your business! I’ve known Fergal for over a decade and he’s one of the few marketing experts that has stayed consistently successful the entire time!

Best of all you can do this even if you don’t have any computer skills! This is perfect for folks that are non-technical. Why? Because all you have to do is keep your customers happy! It’s great! Interested in learning more? Click the button below.

And as a very special bonus, if you buy through any link on this page I’m going to give you a special 22 page report that explains the EXACT campaign I used to close those $100k in sales! It’s fast. It’s effective. It’s FREE! And it’s the perfect add-on to the “Middle Man Money” method! Just email me your receipt and I’ll send you the report! 

This incredible 22 page bonus, combined with the skills you’ll learn from Fergal, gives you the ability to print money on demand whenever you need it. This is exactly what saved me from the 2008 recession. It’s a skill you’ll have for life and I’m happy to share this with you.

So don’t wait around. I know Fergal doesn’t plan on keeping this up forever. Rightfully so too! Neither one of us wants this getting “flooded” out there. It works too well. So make sure to grab this while it’s still available. 


- Adam Nolan

P.S. He has this priced WAY too low too! He should be charging 4-5x more in my opinion. So make sure to check this out before he realizes it and increases the price! 🙂 Click Here To Learn More

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    Adam Nolan

    Adam Nolan is a direct response marketing consultant from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. For nearly 20 years he's sold millions of dollars of products & services for clients all around the world, written a handful of books, and personally helped hundreds of people start or grow their businesses.

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